Friday, December 16, 2011

Soy Milk Review...

Sooo, I know I said the other day I was going to try soy chocolate milk for the first time. I tried it, but got busy studying for finals and forgot to write about it!

It was interesting, but good! I forgot to leave my mind open before trying it, I won't lie and was just pouring the glass with my mouth watering just thinking about thick, creamy, that store-bought chocolate milk has over the kind you make at home with dairy milk & chocolate syrup. So, my mouth and taste buds were extremely disappointed at first. Basically, what I'm saying is...if you try soy milk for the first time...keep your mind open and don't think about

After the first shocking sip, it was OK. Then, by the end I was thinking, hmm...that wasn't that bad! Then, when I tried another glass the next day, knowing what it was going to be like, it was good! It was definitely more watery than milk, and had a more watery flavor and texture. The chocolate was a good choice for my "first time" though, because I think if I had drank regular at first I would have just put it right back in the fridge and leave it there until it spoiled (because otherwise I would feel guilty).

Next adventure? Next time I go to the store I'm going to get regular soy milk and cook with that instead of "regular" milk. We'll see if it makes a difference in tastes for that...if it doesn't, then looks like this little half gallon of milk in the fridge right now will be the last one I will ever have! =]

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